Hydropower plays a particularly important role in Nepal’s economic future because of the scale of its potential. It is estimated that Nepal has the economically viable potential to put in place over 40,000 megawatts (MW) of hydro generation capacity. If such potential is realized, it could easily meet Nepal’s suppressed demand and create a surplus that could be exported to neighboring countries in South Asia.

However, the lack of access to reliable, grid‐supplied electricity is a key constraint to economic growth and an obstacle to reducing poverty. Developing sustainable hydro generation will enable Nepal to balance its supply deficit in the dry season with the revenues made through exports during the wet season, when river flows are high.
the Islam competition, police said. The injured have been undergoing remedy at Nepalgunj-primarily based Bheri Zonal health facility and teaching health facility. in the meantime, preparations are being made to send the critically injured ones to Kathmandu for in addition remedy.
in line with Bheri Zonal Police chief Dhiru Basnyat, the situation of Matehiya has limped returned to normalcy. safety employees have been strongly mobilised in the vicinity after it have become anxious on Monday.