Have you even wondered that you can make millions of rupees with cultivating earthworm? If you are thinking if it is really possible? Then you are in right place, yes you can earn up to NRS one lakhs or more in a month. Here is what you need to do to earn through vermicomposting or worm casting.
They call it Vermi Composting which in layman’s language means earthworm cultivation. Many farmers in Nepal have started cultivating earthworm for commercial purpose, it is believed that the fact earthworm enrich soil quality. These days many people in Kathmandu and outside Kathmandu cultivated earthworms. They do it both for their personnel use and for commercial purposes, using the compost manure produced by earthworm on their own farms and also making money by selling the worms. The compost manure produced by earthworm is better than any other organic manure for agriculture. Usually one earthworm sells for two rupees and one kilogram of compost manure produced by earthworm’s costs 25 rupees. There are more than 300 species of earthworms, four types “Eisenia foetide, Eudrillus,Eugineal ,Perionyx excavatus and Lumbricus rubellus are popular for commercial farming in Nepal, since they eat organic waste and produce organic compost manure. These four types of earthworms have been recommended for climatic condition in Nepal.
Benefits of Worm Castings
Castings are rich in fertilizer. One tablespoon of casting contains enough nutrients to feed a 6 inches potted plant for two months.
It is easier for plants to absorb nutrients from casting.
It is able to retain water for plants due to the texture of castings.
Casting help inhibit diseases from plants like room rot.
Casting promotes microbial activity that results in healthier plants.
Vermi composting last six times longer than ordinary potting soil.
Castings are safe for environment, children and pets.
Casting contain no harmful chemicals, it is non-toxic.
Check out below Image to find out how worm bin is made